Descargar PDF National Geographic Readers: In the Ocean (L1/Co-Reader) (National Geographic Kids Readers, Level 1) de Jennifer Szymanski PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Lee un libro National Geographic Readers: In the Ocean (L1/Co-Reader) (National Geographic Kids Readers, Level 1) de Jennifer Szymanski Libros Gratis en EPUB
Reseña del editor Dive into the waves and under the sea to meet the unique, amazing, and totally weird creatures that call the ocean home!Whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and fish galore--you'll encounter all these incredible creatures and more in this early reader, designed for parents and children to read together. National Geographic Kids Readers have been a hit in the competitive beginning reader category, and this book builds upon that success with a new approach--parents and children reading together. With the same combination of careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach to high-interest subjects that has proved to be a winning formula with kids, National Geographic Co-Readers provide one page of adult-read-aloud and one page of kid-read-aloud text on each spread, building toward a collaborative reading experience. Inside you'll find expert-vetted text, stunning images, and activities that help kids understand the concepts and vocabulary words in each book. BiografÃa del autor JENNIFER SZYMANSKI is a freelance science writer and editor. Szymanski specializes in writing materials that support both teachers and students in meeting national and state science standards, but she considers her 'real' job to be helping students connect science to everyday life. She has taught students from pre-K to college, spent time as a veterinary technician, and is an all-around cheerleader for STEM education.
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