Descargar Oil Spill! (Let's Read-and-find-out Science, Stage 2) de Melvin Berger Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Reseña del editor Did you know that an oil spill occurs somewhere in the world almost every day of the year?Oil spills can have many different causes, but the result is the same. Oil harms plants and wildlife that make the oceans and coastlines their home. Scientists are learning the best ways to combat oil spills. Learn how you can help, too! Biografía del autor Melvin Berger is the author of many classic LRFOs, including Germs Make Me Sick!, Oil Spills! and Why I Cough, Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn, as well as other nonfiction on the Harper backlist. He lives in East Hampton, NY.Roma Gans is an expert in early childhood education, professor emeritus of Teachers College, Columbia University, and co-founder and editor of the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out-Science series. Dr. Gans lives in West Redding, Connecticut. Paul Mirocha has illustrated several books for children, including Melvin Berger's Let's-Read-and-Find-Out-Science Book, Oil Spill! Mr. Mirocha lives in Tucson, Arizona.

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